October 23, 2019

213 words 1 min read

Repeatable Deployments with Kubernetes, Helm & Bazel

Repeatable Deployments with Kubernetes, Helm & Bazel

Can you run a single command to build your applications, generate the appropriate Kube manifests, and deploy everything to each of your clusters? If you've tried to set this up, you know that you can …

Talk Title Repeatable Deployments with Kubernetes, Helm & Bazel
Speakers Rohan Singh (Lead Infrastructure Engineer, Hustle Inc)
Conference KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe
Conf Tag
Location Barcelona, Spain
Date May 19-23, 2019
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Can you run a single command to build your applications, generate the appropriate Kube manifests, and deploy everything to each of your clusters? If you’ve tried to set this up, you know that you can quickly end up with a rat’s nest of custom scripts and repetitive YAML blobs. Even tools like Helm don’t completely solve the problem. In this talk, we’ll cover how to wrangle this complexity with Bazel, a multi-platform build tool from Google. With Bazel, we can build Docker images, generate Kube objects, and deploy to a live cluster in a single step. We’ll also see how to use Bazel to parameterize YAML files and deploy slightly different configurations to different environments, without having to repeat and duplicate entire manifests. Finally, we’ll cover how Bazel can be extended to compile and deploy Helm charts as well.

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