December 7, 2019

157 words 1 min read

Scaling to 5000+ Unique K8s Deployments, How We Did It [I]

Scaling to 5000+ Unique K8s Deployments, How We Did It [I]

Most organizations only need to run a couple deployments of their application in Kubernetes. In these situations, deploying onto Kubernetes clusters is relatively straightforward. What happens when yo …

Talk Title Scaling to 5000+ Unique K8s Deployments, How We Did It [I]
Speakers Nicole Hubbard (Architect, WP Engine)
Conference KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America
Conf Tag
Location Austin, TX, United States
Date Dec 4- 8, 2017
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Most organizations only need to run a couple deployments of their application in Kubernetes. In these situations, deploying onto Kubernetes clusters is relatively straightforward. What happens when you need to simultaneously deploy 5,000 unique instance of your application to different Kubernetes clusters at different providers worldwide? Over the last year, we have worked to move over 60,000 of our customers' unique workloads from virtual machines onto Kubernetes. I will share our experiences on how to automate and simplify managing unique Kubernetes workloads at scale.

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