December 31, 2019

192 words 1 min read

High Performance Microservices on Linux with Apache Thrift

High Performance Microservices on Linux with Apache Thrift

The world is rapidly adopting cloud native approaches to software development, reaping the synergies produced by combining microservices, Linux container technology and dynamic application orchestrati …

Talk Title High Performance Microservices on Linux with Apache Thrift
Speakers Randy Abernethy (Managing Partner, RX-M, LLC), Jens Geyer (Senior Software Engineer, VSX Vogel Software GmbH)
Conference Open Source Summit Europe
Conf Tag
Location Prague, Czech Republic
Date Oct 21-27, 2017
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

The world is rapidly adopting cloud native approaches to software development, reaping the synergies produced by combining microservices, Linux container technology and dynamic application orchestration. Containers offer performance gains and simplified operations, however maximizing microservice performance involves API level considerations. In this demonstration and talk we will take a look at how Apache Thrift can be used to generate material performance gains in container packaged microservices. We’ll contrast Apache Thrift with REST and gRPC, describing the strengths and weaknesses of each. We’ll also demonstrate how to seamlessly package Apache Thrift microservices with Docker and how to scale them with Kubernetes on a Linux cluster. The talk will conclude with a demonstration of microservice interface evolution and rolling upgrades.

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