December 3, 2019

219 words 2 mins read

CNI, CRI, and OCI - Oh My! [I]

CNI, CRI, and OCI - Oh My! [I]

If you work with containers, its easy to get lost in the emerging standards and foundations. You might have questions like: What is OCI? What happened to appc? Do I need to do anything to take advant …

Talk Title CNI, CRI, and OCI - Oh My! [I]
Speakers Paul Burt (Community + Product Marketing, CoreOS), Elsie Phillips (Community Manager, CoreOS)
Conference KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America
Conf Tag
Location Austin, TX, United States
Date Dec 4- 8, 2017
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

If you work with containers, it’s easy to get lost in the emerging standards and foundations. You might have questions like: What is OCI? What happened to appc? Do I need to do anything to take advantage? Don’t we already have container runtimes? So, why do we need CRI? Similarly, what’s the use of CNI with all of the container networking solutions already out there? Our aim is to answer all of these questions, and showcase places you can find (and use!) each of them. We’ll discuss how these specs affect you when using Kubernetes or other container orchestrated projects. Kubernetes will serve as a handy vehicle for some short, live demos. We’ll explore how each standard is improving our lives today, and what kinds of innovation they open up for the future.

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