February 3, 2020

165 words 1 min read

Putting cutting-edge modern NLP into practice

Putting cutting-edge modern NLP into practice

AllenNLP is a PyTorch-based library designed to make it easy to do high-quality research in natural language processing (NLP). Joel Grus explains what modern neural NLP looks like; you'll get your hands dirty training some models, writing some code, and learning how you can apply these techniques to your own datasets and problems.

Talk Title Putting cutting-edge modern NLP into practice
Speakers Joel Grus (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence)
Conference O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference
Conf Tag Put AI to Work
Location San Jose, California
Date September 10-12, 2019
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

AllenNLP is a PyTorch-based library designed to make it easy to do high-quality research in natural language processing. Its design also makes it easy for you to use state-of-the-art NLP models to solve your own problems. Joel Grus explains what modern neural NLP looks like; you’ll get your hands dirty training some models, writing some code, and learning how you can apply these techniques to your own datasets and problems.

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