November 26, 2019

224 words 2 mins read

OpenTelemetry: The First Release, Whats Next, and How to Get Involved

OpenTelemetry: The First Release, Whats Next, and How to Get Involved

Earlier this year, the OpenCensus and OpenTracing communities merged to form OpenTelemetry, the first version of which will be released at Kubecon. OpenTelemetry provides libraries and agents that cap …

Talk Title OpenTelemetry: The First Release, Whats Next, and How to Get Involved
Speakers Morgan McLean (Product Manager, Google), Chris Kleinknecht (Software Engineer, Google), Sergey Kanzhelev (Microsoft, Principal Software Engineer), Tristan Sloughter (Software Engineer, Postmates)
Conference KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America
Conf Tag
Location San Diego, CA, USA
Date Nov 15-21, 2019
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Earlier this year, the OpenCensus and OpenTracing communities merged to form OpenTelemetry, the first version of which will be released at Kubecon. OpenTelemetry provides libraries and agents that capture metrics and distributed traces from your applications and send them to backends like Prometheus, Zipkin, and Jaeger. The project is backed by a large community of end-user developers and the majority of cloud and APM vendors. We’re always interested in welcoming more people to the project! In this session we will cover: - What’s included in the v1 release, the project’s overall status and production readiness - Community structure, including governance, SIGs, and how to get involved - Recent integrations with various frameworks, clients, and Kubernetes itself! - Related projects like W3C TraceContext - What we’re working on next, including more languages, more integrations, and logs

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