December 17, 2019

276 words 2 mins read

Leadership skills for architects

Leadership skills for architects

As more companies embrace digital technology as core to their operation, it's essential that we architects develop our leadership skills to be equal to our technical skills. Join Seth Dobbs to learn how to guide business decisions and align technology with broad strategy while also motivating your teams and ensuring their success.

Talk Title Leadership skills for architects
Speakers Seth Dobbs (Bounteous)
Conference O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
Conf Tag Engineering the Future of Software
Location New York, New York
Date February 4-6, 2019
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Digital transformation is a hyped buzzword, but it also represents the reality of more and more businesses starting to embrace digital as core to their success. “Digital” is not an end state but an ongoing process, a way of thinking, a mindset. This makes architecture challenging, as there is no end state to focus on but rather an enablement of future direction. It also means that technology leaders need more than just technology skills to be effective; they need leadership skills. While we architects may not be setting the overall business direction, we’re essential to getting them there. We need to enable great products, great experiences, and winning business models, and we shouldn’t be waiting for the business to simply bring us a problem to solve. We need a seat at the table as equals with business, product, experience, and marketing, solving our company’s problems. Doing this requires credibility, capability, and confidence. Drawing on years of work training his team and clients, Seth Dobbs helps you understand and develop the leadership skills required to have that credibility and be successful, focusing on four core leadership capabilities:

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