December 17, 2019

113 words 1 min read

Introduction to Windows Containers in Kubernetes

Introduction to Windows Containers in Kubernetes

The chairs for SIG-Windows will provide an update on the efforts to bring Windows to Kubernetes. This will concentrate on presenting an introduction of Windows Containers in Kubernetes and new feature …

Talk Title Introduction to Windows Containers in Kubernetes
Speakers Michael Michael (Director of Product Management, VMware), Deep Debroy (Engineering Manager, Docker Inc.)
Conference KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America
Conf Tag
Location San Diego, CA, USA
Date Nov 15-21, 2019
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

The chairs for SIG-Windows will provide an update on the efforts to bring Windows to Kubernetes. This will concentrate on presenting an introduction of Windows Containers in Kubernetes and new features that are being delivered.

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