October 20, 2019

203 words 1 min read

Intro + Deep Dive: Windows SIG

Intro + Deep Dive: Windows SIG

The chairs for SIG-Windows will provide an update on the efforts to bring Windows to Kubernetes. This will concentrate on presenting new features that are being delivered and the General Availability …

Talk Title Intro + Deep Dive: Windows SIG
Speakers Patrick Lang (Software Engineer, Microsoft), Michael Michael (Director of Product Management, VMware)
Conference KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe
Conf Tag
Location Barcelona, Spain
Date May 19-23, 2019
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

The chairs for SIG-Windows will provide an update on the efforts to bring Windows to Kubernetes. This will concentrate on presenting new features that are being delivered and the General Availability of Windows Containers on Kubernetes. We will also have a detailed discussion on our future roadmap, key functionality that we want to enable, and open the floor for Q&A with customers and members of the SIG-Windows community. This is both an introduction to Windows on Kubernetes and a deep dive into the efforts of the team. Some familiarity with Windows on Kubernetes is required for the deep dive part since we will have an in-depth discussion on key features that are in the pipeline for Windows, explain their implementation and have a discussion on tradeoffs with the community.

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