December 17, 2019

198 words 1 min read

Incremental architecture

Incremental architecture

If you still use large up-front design phases, you'll likely encounter problems with your design as you implement. The solution is to build around a domain-focused metaphor that allows for incremental changes while maintaining coherence throughout. Allen Holub demonstrates how to develop an effective and coherent architecture incrementally as the code evolves.

Talk Title Incremental architecture
Speakers Allen Holub (Holub Associates)
Conference O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
Conf Tag Engineering the Future of Software
Location New York, New York
Date February 4-6, 2019
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Modern development practices rarely use large up-front design phases, but if you are still using them, you’ve likely encountered problems with your design as you implement. Nowadays, you must create an architecture incrementally as you work, and you have to be able to easily modify that architecture as new requirements emerge. The solution is to build around a domain-focused metaphor that allows for incremental changes while maintaining coherence throughout. Allen Holub walks you through developing an effective and coherent architecture incrementally as the code evolves. The techniques you’ll learn are essential when building effective microservice APIs and in any development shop where requirements change as you’re working. Topics include:

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