October 8, 2019

226 words 2 mins read

Effective Logging in Multi-Tenant Kubernetes Environment

Effective Logging in Multi-Tenant Kubernetes Environment

The EFK stack is a popular choice for Kubernetes logging. But users in a multi-tenant Kubernetes should only be allowed to access user specific application/auditing logs. Fluentd is a good at log agg …

Talk Title Effective Logging in Multi-Tenant Kubernetes Environment
Speakers Benjamin Huo (Lead of QingCloud kubernetes observability team, Beijing Yunify Technology Co., Ltd.), Dan Ma (Senior Software Engineer of QingCloud kubernetes observability team, Beijing Yunify Technology Co., Ltd.)
Conference KubeCon + CloudNativeCon
Conf Tag
Location Shanghai, China
Date Jun 23-26, 2019
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

The EFK stack is a popular choice for Kubernetes logging. But users in a multi-tenant Kubernetes should only be allowed to access user specific application/auditing logs. Fluentd is a good at log aggregation while Fluent Bit is more efficient on log collecting. It’s burdensome to adjust Fluent Bit options which requires some domain specific knowledges and this is what operator pattern is good at. So We developed FluentBit operator. Users can simply update Fluent Bit config with one single command like “kubectl edit fluentbit fluent-bit”, then FluentBit operator will take care of the rest including changing Fluent Bit config, turning on/off log collecting and reloading Fluent Bit config without recreating the entire Fluent Bit DaemonSet etc. In this talk, engineers from QingCloud KubeSphere team will talk about kubernetes logging in multi-tenant Kubernetes and FluentBit Operator.

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