January 8, 2020

194 words 1 min read

Distributed ML on Unikernels for IoT

Distributed ML on Unikernels for IoT

Machine Learning (ML) has been happening only in Cloud and some inference on Edge. But there's quite few ML happening in IoT where Linux cannot fit. This area is called TinyML. In order to democratize …

Talk Title Distributed ML on Unikernels for IoT
Speakers Hiroshi Doyu (Senior Researcher, Ericsson)
Conference Open Source Summit + ELC Europe
Conf Tag
Location Lyon, France
Date Oct 27-Nov 1, 2019
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Machine Learning (ML) has been happening only in Cloud and some inference on Edge. But there’s quite few ML happening in IoT where Linux cannot fit. This area is called TinyML. In order to democratize ML in IoT, I propose TinyML as-a-Service, which would bring ML onto microcontrollers with 3 enablers, (1) Unikernel, (2) ML compiler and (3) CoAP. In this session, I’ll explain our end-to-end experiment of how we tackled to bring ML onto Edge & microcontrollers, show demo and also discuss future possibilites. The audience are not expected much. The following links may be helpful if you discuss this session deeper but I’ll explain them, anyway;) Enjoy!! #tinymlaas Resources:UnikernelMirageOSOcamlOwlLwAETinyMLTensorflow Lite for microLwM2MCoAPAny further discussion would be really apprecaited;)

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