November 1, 2019

197 words 1 min read

Deep Dive: CoreDNS

Deep Dive: CoreDNS

CoreDNS is a flexible and extensible DNS server with a focus on service discovery. It is written in Go and has a unique plugin-based architecture. This means CoreDNS could be easily extended with cust …

Talk Title Deep Dive: CoreDNS
Speakers John Belamaric (Senior Staff Software Engineer, Google), Yong Tang (Director of Engineering, MobileIron)
Conference KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe
Conf Tag
Location Barcelona, Spain
Date May 19-23, 2019
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

CoreDNS is a flexible and extensible DNS server with a focus on service discovery. It is written in Go and has a unique plugin-based architecture. This means CoreDNS could be easily extended with customized plugins for new functionalities. If some functionality is not provided out of the box, you can add it if you know how to write in Go. In this deep dive session, we take a detailed look at the service discovery and plugin system of CoreDNS. We will demo a simplified version of a plugin that achieves source IP based service discovery. By walking through the complete code base of this demo plugin, we will showcase the ease of convenience to implement a custom plugin for serving new functionalities.

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