March 5, 2020

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7 years of domain-driven design: Tackling complexity in large-scale marketing systems

7 years of domain-driven design: Tackling complexity in large-scale marketing systems

Vladik Khononov explains how he and his team embraced domain-driven design (DDD) at Plexop, a large-scale marketing system that spans over a dozen different business domains. Join in to learn how DDD allowed the team to manage business complexities, see what worked (and what didn't), and discover where they had to adapt the DDD methodology to fit the company's needs.

Talk Title 7 years of domain-driven design: Tackling complexity in large-scale marketing systems
Speakers Vladik Khononov (DoiT International)
Conference O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
Conf Tag Engineering the Future of Software
Location Berlin, Germany
Date November 5-7, 2019
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

It turns out that DDD isn’t just for cargo shipping. Vladik Khononov explains how he and his team embraced DDD (with very limited resources and a very short time to market) at Plexop, a large-scale marketing system that spans over a dozen different business domains. Join in to learn how DDD allowed the team to manage business complexities, find out strategies for defining context boundaries, explore lessons learned the hard way, and discover where they had to adapt the DDD methodology to fit the company’s needs.

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