February 6, 2020

353 words 2 mins read

Workshop: Cloud-native Network Functions (CNF) Seminar

Workshop: Cloud-native Network Functions (CNF) Seminar

Two of the fastest-growing Linux Foundation projects ONAP (part of LF Networking) and Kubernetes (part of CNCF) are coming together in the next generation telecom architecture.Telcos are engaging …

Talk Title Workshop: Cloud-native Network Functions (CNF) Seminar
Speakers Arpit Joshipura (GM of Networking, IoT and Edge, The Linux Foundation), Dan Kohn (Executive Director, Cloud Native Computing Foundation)
Conference Open Source Summit North America
Conf Tag
Location Vancouver, BC, Canada
Date Aug 27-31, 2018
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Two of the fastest-growing Linux Foundation projects – ONAP (part of LF Networking)  and Kubernetes (part of CNCF) – are coming together in the next generation telecom architecture.Telcos are engaging on how their Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) could evolve into Cloud-native Network Functions (CNFs) running on Kubernetes. This interactive seminar will be co-moderated by LF Networking GM Arpit Joshipura and Cloud Native Computing Foundation executive director Dan Kohn. Among topics we plan to discuss:Differences and similarities: networking & cloud native terminologies explained side by side.Deeper dive into Telecom Services: Migrating & Automating Network Functions to Virtual Networking Functions to Cloud-native Network Functions (CNF)Overview of Sub-Projects focusing on this migration, including Cross-Cloud CI, ONAP/OVP, FD.io/VPP etc.What is the role for a service mesh-like Envoy, Istio, or Linkerd in connecting together CNFs with load balancing, canary deployments, policy enforcement, and more.What is involved in telcos adopting modern continuous integration/ continuous deployment (CI/CD) tools to be able to rapidly innovate and improve their CNFs while retaining confidence in the reliability.What are the differing security needs of trusted (open source and vendor-provided) code vs. running untrusted code. What’s the role for security isolation technologies like gVisor or Kata?How does CNI fit in? How does VPP/Ligato fit in?What are the requirements on the underlying OS?What are strengths and weaknesses of different network architectures such as multi-interface pods and Network Service Mesh?What is the status of IPv6 and dual-stack support in K8s?There is no charge for the seminar, but space is limited and you must pre-register. If you attend, please be willing to speak up.Add Cloud-native Network Functions (CNF) Seminar to your OSS registration For slides, please click here

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