November 26, 2019

181 words 1 min read

The Silk Road: Building a CNI Plugin from Scratch

The Silk Road: Building a CNI Plugin from Scratch

CNI promises container runtime systems the ability to swap in different third party networking plugins. With many 3rd party plugins available, it can be difficult to determine which, if any, are the b …

Talk Title The Silk Road: Building a CNI Plugin from Scratch
Speakers Angela Chin (Senior Software Engineer, Pivotal), Usha Ramachandran (Staff Product Manager, Pivotal)
Conference KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe
Conf Tag
Location Copenhagen, Denmark
Date Apr 30-May 4, 2018
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

CNI promises container runtime systems the ability to swap in different third party networking plugins. With many 3rd party plugins available, it can be difficult to determine which, if any, are the best match for your system. Angela and Usha will highlight their journey through the CNI ecosystem from adding support for CNI in Cloud Foundry to building “Silk” - their very own CNI plugin. Attendees will gain insight into the process of both deciding to and building a CNI plugin and considerations that must be made about how to integrate the plugin with existing platform concerns about networking and security.

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