January 8, 2020

217 words 2 mins read

The Future of Your CRDs Evolving an API

The Future of Your CRDs Evolving an API

CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) are a cornerstone of many extensions built on-top of Kubernetes. They allow to define custom API objects and the API server will handle their life-cycle. Most APIs st …

Talk Title The Future of Your CRDs Evolving an API
Speakers Mehdy Bohlool (Software Engineer, Google), Stefan Schimanski (Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat)
Conference KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America
Conf Tag
Location Seattle, WA, USA
Date Dec 9-14, 2018
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) are a cornerstone of many extensions built on-top of Kubernetes. They allow to define custom API objects and the API server will handle their life-cycle. Most APIs start with one version, but sooner or later need to evolve while keeping compatibility with current clients/users. Kubernetes standard types do that through versioning and conversion between versions. This talk covers the corresponding evolution path for CRD based APIs. The talk will cover: - Why Kubernetes has multiple versions - New feature: CRD Versioning with Conversion - Round-Tripability Concept - How to update schemaless API objects to schemaful - Pruning and how to enable it - Defaulting - How to plan for Master Rollbacks when writing a CRD - Storage version and storage migration - Failure modes - Monitoring and managing a cluster with multi-versions - Kube builder support and Demo

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