December 6, 2019

228 words 2 mins read

Rendezvous with AI

Rendezvous with AI

Ted Dunning offers an overview of the rendezvous architecture, which is geared to deal with much of the complexity involved in deploying models to production, thus allowing more time to be spent thinking and doing real data science. Ted covers the ideas behind the architecture, practical scenarios, and advantages and disadvantages of the architecture.

Talk Title Rendezvous with AI
Speakers Ted Dunning (MapR, now part of HPE)
Conference Strata Data Conference
Conf Tag Making Data Work
Location London, United Kingdom
Date May 22-24, 2018
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

No matter how clever your learning algorithms, two things will still be true: data and deployment logistics will dominate the effort, and you will need more than two versions of your model, even in full production. However, the rendezvous architecture can help mitigate some of the logistical problems in machine learning. Ted Dunning offers an overview of the rendezvous architecture, which is geared to deal with much of the complexity involved in deploying models to production, thus allowing more time to be spent thinking and doing real data science. The architecture specifically addresses how strict SLAs can be met even with novice models that you haven’t characterized. The result is that you can bound the risk of experimentation with new models. Ted covers the ideas behind the architecture, practical scenarios, and advantages and disadvantages of the architecture.

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