February 6, 2020

219 words 2 mins read

Observable microservices

Observable microservices

Think of this talk as a Microservices 201. You know microservices basics, but can you successfully maintain them in production? Join Maria Gomez to explore the concept of observability as a way of maintain a healthy production environment.

Talk Title Observable microservices
Speakers Maria Gomez (BCG Digital Ventures)
Conference O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
Conf Tag Engineering the Future of Software
Location London, United Kingdom
Date October 29-31, 2018
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Most of us know how to build a microservice, where to find frameworks, and how to choose languages, but sometimes we don’t spend enough time thinking about how we will maintain them. One reason could be that we’ve never had to maintain or support production systems—often we leave that task to the operations team. However, the world is changing. We’re moving to a place where developers build and run systems, so making sure you can get the right information in the right way out of these systems is crucial. Maria Gomez reviews some of the most important operational concerns for microservices and explores the concept of observability as a way to maintain a healthy production environment. You’ll learn the techniques and practices teams are currently using and get a glimpse at new trends and what the future looks like for this field. Topics include:

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