November 23, 2019

220 words 2 mins read

Merging human and machine learning for everyday solutions

Merging human and machine learning for everyday solutions

Li Fan shares insights into how Pinterest improves products based on usage and explains how the company is using AI to predict whats in an image, what a user wants, and what theyll want next, answering subjective questions better than machines or humans alone could achieve.

Talk Title Merging human and machine learning for everyday solutions
Speakers Li Fan (Pinterest)
Conference Strata Data Conference
Conf Tag Big Data Expo
Location San Jose, California
Date March 6-8, 2018
URL Talk Page
Video Talk Video

Advances in AI are changing what’s possible with human-machine collaboration and bringing digital understanding into the physical world. Pinterest brings together human curation and machine learning to deliver more than 10 billion recommendations every day. With more than 100 billion pins saved, labeled, and organized by pinners, Pinterest’s users are effectively creating one of the world’s most comprehensive image training datasets. Through cutting-edge machine learning, Pinterest uses this data to help people explore their taste and style and surface ideas they love even before they know what they’re looking for. Li Fan shares insights into how Pinterest improves products based on usage and explains how the company is using AI to predict what’s in an image, what a user wants, and what they’ll want next, answering subjective questions better than machines or humans alone could achieve.

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