November 22, 2019

203 words 1 min read

Kubernetes as an Abstraction Layer for a Connected Home

Kubernetes as an Abstraction Layer for a Connected Home

The home-of-the-future is vendor lock-in and disparate ecosystems that do not interconnect. Consumers are encouraged to stay within brand or risk lack of interoperability. The same can be said about C …

Talk Title Kubernetes as an Abstraction Layer for a Connected Home
Speakers Scott Nichols (Software Engineer 软件工程师, Google)
Conference KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe
Conf Tag
Location Copenhagen, Denmark
Date Apr 30-May 4, 2018
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

The home-of-the-future is vendor lock-in and disparate ecosystems that do not interconnect. Consumers are encouraged to stay within brand or risk lack of interoperability. The same can be said about Cloud Vendors. The Open Service Broker API (OSBAPI) is a standard that we can use to avoid Cloud Vendor lock-in. Can Kubernetes and OSBAPI also give us the open connected home consumers dream of? With Kubernetes used as a command and control platform for a connected home with a diverse collection of devices, complex interactions between currently incompatible devices becomes possible. With OSBAPI as the method of interoperability, it can also solve the challenge of a cloud based Kubernetes cluster controlling a on-premise Service Broker without a consistent internet connection or blocked in-bound network communication. This is going to be illuminating.

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