December 8, 2019

195 words 1 min read

Humans and the machine: Machine learning in context (sponsored by IBM)

Humans and the machine: Machine learning in context (sponsored by IBM)

On the way to active analytics for business, we have to answer two big questions: What must happen to data before running machine learning algorithms, and how should machine learning output be used to generate actual business value? Jean-Franois Puget demonstrates the vital role of human context in answering those questions.

Talk Title Humans and the machine: Machine learning in context (sponsored by IBM)
Speakers JEAN FRANCOIS PUGET (IBM Analytics)
Conference Strata Data Conference
Conf Tag Making Data Work
Location London, United Kingdom
Date May 22-24, 2018
URL Talk Page
Video Talk Video

Some machine learning proponents claim you only have to provide data to get value. However, reality is a bit more complex. On the way to active analytics for business, we have to answer two big questions: What must happen to data before running machine learning algorithms, and how should machine learning output be used to generate actual business value? Jean-François Puget demonstrates the vital role of human context in answering those questions. You’ll discover why human context should be embraced as a guide to building better, smarter systems that people will use, trust, and love. This keynote is sponsored by IBM.

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