December 9, 2019

171 words 1 min read

How BT delivers better broadband and TV using Spark and Kafka

How BT delivers better broadband and TV using Spark and Kafka

In the past year, British Telecom has added a streaming network analytics use case to its multitenant data platform. Phillip Radley demonstrates how the solution works and explains how it delivers better broadband and TV services, using Kafka and Spark on YARN and HDFS encryption.

Talk Title How BT delivers better broadband and TV using Spark and Kafka
Speakers Phillip Radley (BT)
Conference Strata Data Conference
Conf Tag Making Data Work
Location London, United Kingdom
Date May 22-24, 2018
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

BT launched its production big data platform in 2014, which was mainly used for batch processing, ETL, and sandpits. In the past year, British Telecom has added a streaming network analytics use case to its multitenant data platform. Phillip Radley demonstrates how the solution works and explains how it delivers better broadband and TV services, using Kafka and Spark on YARN and HDFS encryption. Join in to learn the work required to refresh a big data platform so that it can deliver mission-critical streaming analytics.

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