November 25, 2019

232 words 2 mins read

Getting ready for GDPR: Securing and governing hybrid, cloud, and on-premises big data deployments

Getting ready for GDPR: Securing and governing hybrid, cloud, and on-premises big data deployments

New regulations are driving compliance, governance, and security challenges for big data, and infosec and security groups must ensure a consistently secured and governed environment across multiple workloads that span a variety of deployments. Mark Donsky, Andre Araujo, Syed Rafice, and Mubashir Kazia walk you through securing a Hadoop cluster, with special attention to GDPR.

Talk Title Getting ready for GDPR: Securing and governing hybrid, cloud, and on-premises big data deployments
Speakers Mark Donsky (Okera), Andre Araujo (Cloudera), Syed Rafice (Cloudera), Mubashir Kazia (Cloudera)
Conference Strata Data Conference
Conf Tag Big Data Expo
Location San Jose, California
Date March 6-8, 2018
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Many Hadoop clusters lack even the most basic security and governance controls. This is due to several factors: some security features did not exist as recently as two years ago, and the complexity of Hadoop security has proved daunting to administrators. Nonetheless, with the emergency of regulation such as GDPR, organizations can no longer afford to overlook the criticality of security and governance. Mark Donsky, Andre Araujo, Syed Rafice, and Mubashir Kazia walk you through securing a Hadoop cluster, with special attention to GDPR. You’ll start with a cluster with no security and then add security features related to authentication, authorization, encryption of data at rest, encryption of data in transit, and complete data governance. For each security feature, you’ll cover the following topics:

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