December 3, 2019

170 words 1 min read

Get your hard hat: Intelligent industrial systems with deep reinforcement learning

Get your hard hat: Intelligent industrial systems with deep reinforcement learning

Mark Hammond explores a wide breadth of real-world applications of deep reinforcement learning, including robotics, manufacturing, energy, and supply chain. Mark also shares best practices and tips for building and deploying these systems, highlighting the unique requirements and challenges of industrial AI applications.

Talk Title Get your hard hat: Intelligent industrial systems with deep reinforcement learning
Speakers Mark Hammond (Microsoft)
Conference Artificial Intelligence Conference
Conf Tag Put AI to Work
Location Beijing, China
Date April 11-13, 2018
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

本讲话将用英语授课,同时会提供中文同声传译。中文版本摘要会在英文摘要下面给出。 Reinforcement learning is a powerful machine learning technique for solving problems in dynamic and adaptive environments. Combined with a simulation or digital twin, reinforcement learning can train models to automate or optimize the efficiency of industrial systems and processes. Mark Hammond explores a wide breadth of real-world applications of deep reinforcement learning, including robotics, manufacturing, energy, and supply chain. Mark also shares best practices and tips for building and deploying these systems, highlighting the unique requirements and challenges of industrial AI applications. 增强学习是解决动态变化和需要自适应的环境里问题的一个强有力的机器学习工具。结合了模拟或是数字的组合,增强学习能训练模型,让它们自动化或优化多种行业(例如机器人、制造业、能源和供应链)的系统和流程的效率。 Mark Hammond将会探索广泛的真实世界里使用深度增强学习的应用案例,包括机器人、制造业、能源和供应链行业等。Mark还会分享构建和部署这些系统的最佳实践和窍门,并强调工业人工智能系统所独有的需求和挑战。

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