November 27, 2019

166 words 1 min read

Data science in practice: Examining events in social media

Data science in practice: Examining events in social media

Jennifer Webb explains how cloud-based marketing company SuprFanz uses data science techniques and graph theory with Neo4j to generate live event attendance from social media platforms, email, and SMS.

Talk Title Data science in practice: Examining events in social media
Speakers Jennifer Webb (SuprFanz)
Conference Strata Data Conference
Conf Tag Big Data Expo
Location San Jose, California
Date March 6-8, 2018
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Jennifer Webb explains how cloud-based marketing company SuprFanz uses data science techniques and graph theory with Neo4j to generate live event attendance from social media platforms, email, and SMS to gain better insight into the behavior of music fans, event guests, and target audiences and predictive analytics to optimize promotional efforts. She also offers an overview of the unique technologies SuprFanz uses to drive traffic to events via social media. Join in to learn about applied graph theory, exploring triadic closures, degrees of centrality, betweenness centrality, cliques, and eigenvector centrality in a fun and practical way. Topics include:

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