November 17, 2019

212 words 1 min read

Continuous delivery in an ephemeral world

Continuous delivery in an ephemeral world

With systems like Travis CI, Circle CI, and CodeBuild, we're never more than a few lines of YAML away from a complete continuous delivery pipeline. However, ephemeral build systems constantly recreate the world from scratch, increasing build time and lengthening the CD feedback loop. John Chapin addresses those challenges and shares a reference pipeline using AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild.

Talk Title Continuous delivery in an ephemeral world
Speakers John Chapin (Symphonia)
Conference O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
Conf Tag Engineering the Future of Software
Location New York, New York
Date February 26-28, 2018
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

John Chapin offers an overview of existing cloud-native build systems and outlines their benefits and drawbacks, including cost efficiency, environment stability, and provenance. Drawing on a real-world use case involving a Maven-based build and a serverless application architecture, John walks you step-by-step through the various stages of a naive continuous delivery pipeline, including source control integration, artifact builds, and an infrastructure-as-code-style deployment. John concludes by demonstrating an optimized continuous delivery pipeline that incorporates advanced CodePipeline and CodeBuild techniques to reduce the overall build time and shrink the continuous delivery feedback loop while still realizing all of the benefits of an on-demand, ephemeral build system. Sample code and infrastructure templates will be made available.

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