January 14, 2020

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China: AI superpower

China: AI superpower

With the US leading the AI revolution for decades, it would almost seem inconceivable that China could catch up. But China is rapidly catching up with the US in AI applications. Kai-Fu Lee discusses the five key factors that enabled this rapid ascension: tenacious entrepreneurs, speed and execution, tremendous capital, a big market and bigger data, and techno-utilitarian government policies.

Talk Title China: AI superpower
Speakers Kai-Fu Lee (Sinovation Ventures)
Conference Artificial Intelligence Conference
Conf Tag Put AI to Work
Location San Francisco, California
Date September 5-7, 2018
URL Talk Page
Video Talk Video

With the US leading the AI revolution for decades, it would almost seem inconceivable that China could catch up. But China is rapidly catching up with the US in AI applications. Kai-Fu Lee discusses the five key factors that enabled this rapid ascension: tenacious entrepreneurs, speed and execution, tremendous capital, a big market and bigger data, and techno-utilitarian government policies. Kai-Fu also details the different strengths of the US and Chinese AI ecosystems and the types of opportunities issues they’ll collectively face. All countries should work together, because in the AI era, never has the potential for human flourishing been higher—or the stakes of failure greater.

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