December 1, 2019

192 words 1 min read


Talk Title
Speakers Hsiao-Wuen Hon (微软亚洲研究院 (Microsoft Research Asia))
Conference Artificial Intelligence Conference
Conf Tag Put AI to Work
Location Beijing, China
Date April 11-13, 2018
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

人类之所以能够成为地球的主宰、万物之灵长,决定性因素是因为人类拥有智能。在历史长河中,人类开发了工具和技术来帮助文明的演进和成长。计算机以及人工智能,在这样的技术进化中扮演了重要的角色。近期,人工智能已经引发了众多关注和讨论。正因为人工智能是能够增强人类能力的工具,为了确保它们被恰当运用,我们必须透彻理解技术能做什么和不能做什么。在开发人工智能的过程中,我们对于人类自身智能的定义和理解也在持续演进。关于人类智能和人工智能孰优孰劣的辩论也不断升温。在这个主题演讲中,洪小文博士将介绍人工智能(AI)以及人类智能(HI)的历史。从历史的维度,以深刻的洞察,阐述AI和HI是如何彼此交织并共同进化的,并预示AI和HI可能的未来。 Intelligence is the deciding factor of how human beings become the most dominant life forms on earth. Throughout history, human beings have developed tools and technologies that have helped civilizations evolve and grow. Computers, and by extension, artificial intelligence (AI), have played an important role in that continuum of technologies. Recently artificial intelligence has garnered much interest and discussion, particularly for its ability to enhance human capability. A sound understanding of what the technology can and cannot do is then necessary to ensure its appropriate use. While developing artificial intelligence, we also found out the definition and understanding of our own human intelligence continue evolving. The debates of the race between human and artificial intelligence have been ever growing. Hsiao-Wuen Hon outlines the history of both artificial intelligence and human intelligence (HI). Drawing on insights from these historical perspectives, Hsiao-Wuen imagines the future of AI and HI, exploring how AI and HI will coevolve with each other.

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