November 19, 2019

301 words 2 mins read

Whats your skateboard?

Whats your skateboard?

User story mapping gives you strategies to view features alongside the problems they solve, allowing you to prioritize features regardless of your technical expertise. Emily Stamey walks you through user story mapping, teaching you how to plan your project as if it were a vehicle and deliver the most valuable features to the customer by answering the question, "Whats your skateboard?"

Talk Title Whats your skateboard?
Speakers Emily Stamey (InQuest)
Conference O’Reilly Open Source Convention
Conf Tag Making Open Work
Location Austin, Texas
Date May 8-11, 2017
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

User story mapping is a strategy in which you form a team of customers, developers, and users around your project to discover the full details of your project. Your team diagrams the story of the business process and all of the events happening around it. Once you have completed discovery of these stories, your team uses strategies to view features alongside the problems they solve, allowing you to prioritize features regardless of your technical expertise. Emily Stamey walks you through user story mapping, teaching you how to plan your project as if it were a vehicle and deliver the most valuable features to the customer by answering the question, “What’s your skateboard?” Emily draws on simple examples to explain how to diagram the process, discover the details of the project, and identify the main objectives of the project. Along the way, Emily discusses strategies for prioritizing features and how to handle areas of risk in the story. You’ll learn how this strategy helps you to communicate more clearly with your customers and how it can help you all evaluate priorities based on everyone’s needs. Opening communication with your customer in this way helps to reduce frustration with unmet expectations and confusion about project deliverables and improve estimation.

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