November 2, 2019

315 words 2 mins read

Stream me up, Scotty: Transitioning to the cloud using a streaming data platform

Stream me up, Scotty: Transitioning to the cloud using a streaming data platform

Gwen Shapira and Bob Lehmann share their experience and patterns building a cross-data-center streaming data platform for Monsanto. Learn how to facilitate your move to the cloud while "keeping the lights on" for legacy applications. In addition to integrating private and cloud data centers, you'll discover how to establish a solid foundation for a transition from batch to stream processing.

Talk Title Stream me up, Scotty: Transitioning to the cloud using a streaming data platform
Speakers Gwen Shapira (Confluent), Bob Lehmann (Bayer)
Conference Strata + Hadoop World
Conf Tag Big Data Expo
Location San Jose, California
Date March 14-16, 2017
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Many enterprises have a large technical debt in legacy applications hosted in on-premises data centers. There is a strong desire to modernize and move to a cloud-based infrastructure, but the world won’t stop for you to transition. Existing applications need to be supported and enhanced; data from legacy platforms is required to make decisions that drive the business. On the other hand, data from cloud-based applications does not exist in a vacuum. Legacy applications need access to these cloud data sources and vice versa. Can an enterprise have it both ways? Can new applications be built in the cloud while existing applications are maintained in a private data center? Monsanto has adopted a cloud-first mentality—today most new development is focused on the cloud. However, this transition did not happen overnight. Gwen Shapira and Bob Lehmann share their experience and patterns building and implementing a Kafka-based cross-data-center “data hub” to facilitate the move to the cloud—in the process, kick-starting Monsanto’s transition from batch to stream processing. Details include an overview of the challenges involved in transitioning to the cloud and a deep dive into the cross-data-center stream platform architecture, including best practices for running this architecture in production and a summary of the benefits seen after deploying this architecture.

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