November 15, 2019

230 words 2 mins read

Smart, scalable content distribution

Smart, scalable content distribution

Distributing website content in a microservices-driven architecture is not a trivial task, and it requires solving complex problems stemming from the large number of servers involved and the variety of edge cases that need to be solved. Georgiana Gligor shares a solution to content snapshotting, distribution, and caching in a silo-based architecture involving tens of machines.

Talk Title Smart, scalable content distribution
Speakers Georgiana Gligor (Tekkie Consulting)
Conference O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
Conf Tag Engineering the Future of Software
Location New York, New York
Date April 3-5, 2017
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Separating data from functionality is one of the tricks to speedier applications, since it allows accessing the right content at the right time. Partitioning data cleverly presents several challenges that Tekkie has overcome on several different projects, and it requires a combination of architecture, DevOps, development, and testing skills that is pretty unique. Unless you have such a Swiss Army knife on your team (and are not afraid of the bus factor), you’ll want to come listen to how Tekkie does it. Georgiana Gligor shares a solution to content snapshotting, distribution, and caching in a silo-based architecture involving tens of machines, walking you through the problems encountered and solutions Tekkie came up with. You’ll leave knowing how to automate content distribution on individual nodes and warm up caches, all while keeping your website permanently online.

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