December 13, 2019

233 words 2 mins read

Scaling HBase for big data (sponsored by Salesforce)

Scaling HBase for big data (sponsored by Salesforce)

Even though HBase is considered a highly scalable distributed solution, there are cases where the schema design of HBase tables or the way a client uses an HBase cluster may impact the scalability factor of HBase. Ranjeeth Karthik Selvan Kathiresan and Gurpreet Multani outline the most important things to consider when scaling your HBase cluster to accommodate high-volume and high-velocity data.

Talk Title Scaling HBase for big data (sponsored by Salesforce)
Speakers Ranjeeth Karthik Selvan Kathiresan (Salesforce), Gurpreet Multani (
Conference O’Reilly Velocity Conference
Conf Tag Build Resilient Distributed Systems
Location San Jose, California
Date June 20-22, 2017
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Apache HBase, a NoSQL data storage solution, is primarily used to store large amounts of data, which can later be accessed for batch processing and real-time processing. Even though HBase is considered a highly scalable distributed solution, there are cases where the schema design of HBase tables or the way a client uses an HBase cluster may impact the scalability factor of HBase. Ranjeeth Karthik Selvan Kathiresan and Gurpreet Multani outline the most important things to consider when scaling your HBase cluster to accommodate high-volume and high-velocity data. Ranjeeth and Gurpreet also explain how Salesforce resolved its HBase scalability issues and share Salesforce’s journey in turning its HBase cluster from a low-performing cluster to one that is highly scalable and better performing. This session is sponsored by Salesforce.

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