November 21, 2019

138 words 1 min read

Rapid, scalable websites with Elixir and Phoenix

Rapid, scalable websites with Elixir and Phoenix

Elixir and Phoenix combine the performance and scalability of the Erlang virtual machine with the core concepts behind Ruby on Rails. Marc Sugiyama walks you through creating a website, demonstrating Elixir basics and the principles behind Elixir's scalability and performance.

Talk Title Rapid, scalable websites with Elixir and Phoenix
Speakers Marc Sugiyama (Erlang Solutions, Inc)
Conference O’Reilly Open Source Convention
Conf Tag Making Open Work
Location Austin, Texas
Date May 8-11, 2017
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Having trouble scaling your website? Need reliably response times? If so, you should consider Elixir and Phoenix. Elixir and Phoenix combine the performance and scalability of the Erlang virtual machine with the core concepts behind Ruby on Rails. Marc Sugiyama walks you through creating a website, demonstrating Elixir basics and the principles behind Elixir’s scalability and performance. Topics include:

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