November 23, 2019

236 words 2 mins read

Live on Mars? Teamwork and impossible dreams

Live on Mars? Teamwork and impossible dreams

Mars One is a Dutch not for profit with an audacious idea: send people to Mars to live there permanently. To accomplish this goal, the organization needs the right people working together as a high-performing team. Peter Degen-Portnoy explains how every company can benefit from the same ideas and concepts that will make Mars One successful.

Talk Title Live on Mars? Teamwork and impossible dreams
Speakers Peter Degen-Portnoy (Black Duck by Synopsys)
Conference O’Reilly Open Source Convention
Conf Tag Making Open Work
Location Austin, Texas
Date May 8-11, 2017
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Mars One is a Dutch not for profit with an audacious idea: send people to Mars to live there permanently. The Mars One plan is an exciting idea—humans on Mars in our lifetime! (Speaker Peter Degen-Portnoy is one of the round-three candidates for Mars One.) But there is more to it than that. To accomplish this goal, the organization needs the right people working together as a high-performing team. This talk is not really about Mars or Mars One. Peter explains how every company can benefit from the same ideas and concepts that will make Mars One successful: building high-performing teams through goal setting, putting ideas out in front and wrestling with them before sweating the details, and then executing your plan. . .and adapting the goal, ideas, and plan when you inevitably encounter realities that don’t align with expectations.

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