January 2, 2020

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Hispanic community and the technology

Hispanic community and the technology

How the largest minority group in the United States it's integrating to the new careers and making an entrance in the technology sector, overcoming cultural, social and economic obstacles and what the companies and the government are doing to integrate them.

Talk Title Hispanic community and the technology
Conference Strata Data Conference
Conf Tag Make Data Work
Location New York, New York
Date September 26-28, 2017
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Hispanic community and the technology. Being the largest minority group, the Hispanic community in the United States as of July 1 of 2014, reached 55 million, making people of Hispanic origin 17 percent of the nation’s total population. Hispanic refers to the people, nations, and cultures that have a historical link to Spain and in general the term Hispanic or Hispano should apply to all the person originally or related with Spanish speaking cultures and countries. During 2013 and 2014 the statistics show an increase of 2.1% Percentage in the Hispanic population and it’s projected that we will be 119 million of Hispanics in United States by 2060. According to this projection, the Hispanic population will constitute 28.6 percent of the nation’s population by that date. It’s calculated that between 2010 and 2020 the overall employment in STEM occupations will increase by 17 percent, but what role the Latin American society play on the technology? Hispanics, only make 8 percent in technological related jobs at the present, but the percentage of Latino students enrolled in STEM fields increased by 33 percent from 1996 to 2004 which shows that the interest of the new generations in the area it’s increasing and we are introducing ourselves to new technologies as well as handling our personal obstacles as we tent to support economically and commit with our families from a young age, leaving behind our career projects in order to provide for our families. The lack of STEM representation is more prevalent at the postsecondary level with only 16 percent of Hispanics and 8.8% percent of Latinas completing their STEM bachelor’s degree. How we can ensure that Hispanics will be able to integrate and performs jobs in technology that will advance in the U.S. in the 21st century global workforce? The answer to that question, it’s to create interest in STEM fields, as well as diversifying the workforce, the goal it’s to start with exposing Hispanic students to STEM-focused education and careers at earlier ages. It is very important that the students start to get interest in the field from a very young age and they can start to generate interest in the area during their school years to continue and develop a career in STEM. Even that the government have created programs and designated funds to increase the number of Hispanic students in the technology areas like the Articulation program, the Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions and the minority science and engineering improvement program with the idea to assist and integrate the community to the technology sector, also some big IT firms are encouraging Hispanics to join technology like amigos@apple or Hispanic Googlers Networks (HOLA), the companies need to continue joining forces with the different organizations and consider more Latin American candidates for the positions in order to close the diversity gap in the technology field and make equality in the sector.

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