November 16, 2019

195 words 1 min read

Designing for consumption

Designing for consumption

Modern web and mobile applications have read/write ratios that are far different than when many of the underlying technologies and architectural patterns were first developed. Seth Dobbs demonstrates architecting data partitioning and flow control to enable our highly consumption-oriented world.

Talk Title Designing for consumption
Speakers Seth Dobbs (Bounteous)
Conference O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
Conf Tag Engineering the Future of Software
Location New York, New York
Date April 3-5, 2017
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Traditional approaches to data design are rooted in the pre-web days when interaction patterns were fundamentally different than they are today. Many web service designs follow on that thinking and when combined can provide limitations to modern web and mobile consumer-facing applications. Specifically, many applications today experience vastly different read/write patterns with a much heavier emphasis on read. As architects, we need to examine these underlying assumptions and determine if they actually apply to the systems we’re designing or if there is a mismatch with consumer behavior that will cause limitations. Seth Dobbs demonstrates architecting data partitioning and flow control to enable our highly consumption-oriented world, diving into three key areas of consideration when designing a modern system:

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