November 17, 2019

249 words 2 mins read

CQRS and event sourcing: A DevOps perspective

CQRS and event sourcing: A DevOps perspective

Many organizations are moving toward a distributed system architecture like command query responsibility segregation (CQRS) and event sourcing. Maria Gomez and Stacey Watro discuss the challenges of deploying and supporting these systems in production and explore different strategies to mitigate these challenges, such as building resilient systems and monitoring.

Talk Title CQRS and event sourcing: A DevOps perspective
Speakers Stacey Watro (Stride Consulting), Maria Gomez (BCG Digital Ventures)
Conference O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
Conf Tag Engineering the Future of Software
Location New York, New York
Date April 3-5, 2017
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

While many organizations are moving toward a distributed system architecture like command query responsibility segregation (CQRS) and event sourcing, it’s important to discuss the challenges of deploying and supporting these systems in production. Combined together, these patterns form a powerful design for high-performance systems. Over the last couple of years, more and more companies (especially in the financial industry) have begun using this strategy to evolve their core platforms. When implemented well, systems are in a better position to prevent data loss and scale different areas of the application. However, it requires a shift in mindset for most development teams, so architects and leads need to look for alternative solutions to successfully develop, deploy, and maintain these systems. Maria Gomez and Stacey Watro explore different strategies and pitfalls for supporting CQRS and event sourcing systems in production, based on their experience helping companies with this pattern for the last two years. Topics include:

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