January 14, 2020

200 words 1 min read

Architect as storyteller

Architect as storyteller

Nathaniel Schutta explains why an architect's job is to be a storyteller. Architects are essentially the Rosetta Stone of an organization, providing translation services (or, as some would call it, the "elevator" between the executive suite and the development floors). The challenge lies in not only crafting a compelling message but doing so for wildly disparate audiences.

Talk Title Architect as storyteller
Speakers Nathaniel Schutta (Pivotal)
Conference O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
Conf Tag Engineering the Future of Software
Location London, United Kingdom
Date October 16-18, 2017
URL Talk Page
Video Talk Video

Nathaniel Schutta explains why an architect’s job is to be a storyteller. Architects are essentially the Rosetta Stone of an organization, providing translation services (or, as some would call it, the “elevator” between the executive suite and the development floors). The challenge lies in not only crafting a compelling message but doing so for wildly disparate audiences. (The pitch you give your developers will not go over well with the executives, for instance.) While we may not want to adopt iambic pentameter anytime soon (though who knows, that might encourage more people to read our various artifacts), we must consciously think about the story we are telling.

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