December 26, 2019

289 words 2 mins read

Lazy event sourcing: Living in the now

Lazy event sourcing: Living in the now

Yurii Rashkovskii shares a set of practical of approaches to designing event-sourcing-based systems, including a method of building the state of the world that uses a "lazy first" approach. This approach suggests that we don't know what the state of the world should include up front and therefore should defer this decision until the very end.

Talk Title Lazy event sourcing: Living in the now
Conference O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
Conf Tag Engineering the Future of Software
Location San Francisco, California
Date November 14-16, 2016
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

If you read Fowler’s article on event sourcing or learned about it through many other sources, you might have a specific understanding of the term. At its core, event sourcing is a concept in which the state of the world is built by replaying serialized events. Yurii Rashkovskii shares a set of practical of approaches to designing event-sourcing-based systems, including a method of building the state of the world that uses a “lazy first” approach. This approach suggests that we don’t know what the state of the world should include up front and therefore should defer this decision until the very end. Yurii explores the pros and cons of this approach—as well as some interesting aspects, such as user-driven APIs (such as GraphQL), caching, and distribution—and discusses the kind of projects that will benefit from adopting it. Yurii concludes with a demo of ES4J (Eventsourcing for Java), an implementation of this approach, and some working examples. In order to deliver the best session possible, Yurii wants to be sure to cover the topics you are interested in and any questions you might have. If you are interested in attending this session, please complete this short questionnaire.

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