October 30, 2019

231 words 2 mins read

Integration architecture with Java EE and Spring

Integration architecture with Java EE and Spring

Results matter. Choosing a technology stack shouldn't be an either/or discussion. Thankfully, when it comes to the industry's two largest enterprise application platformsJava EE and Springarchitects can cherry pick and integrate with ease. Markus Eisele and Joshua Long explain how architects and developers can benefit from the best of both technologies and embrace cloud-ready JVM architectures.

Talk Title Integration architecture with Java EE and Spring
Speakers Markus Eisele (Lightbend), Josh Long (Pivotal)
Conference O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
Conf Tag Engineering the Future of Software
Location New York, New York
Date April 11-13, 2016
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Results matter. Choosing a technology stack shouldn’t be an either/or discussion. Thankfully, when it comes to the industry’s two largest enterprise application platforms—Java EE and Spring—architects can cherry pick and integrate with ease. Markus Eisele and Joshua Long explain how architects and developers can benefit from the best of both technologies and embrace cloud-ready JVM architectures. In a hands-on workshop, Markus and Joshya outline five steps for implementation through discussion and exercises: Step 1: Java EE first, Spring second Step 2: Spring first, Java EE second Step 3: Building a bridge between platforms Step 4: Integration and microservices Step 5: Missing pieces and wrap-up OFFICE HOURS Markus and Joshua will take part in Office Hours on Tuesday, April 12 at 12:15 PM in the Mercury Complex. Come by and meet them!

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