December 22, 2019

252 words 2 mins read

Distributed ops for distributed apps

Distributed ops for distributed apps

In the world of microservices, when things are moving fast and constantly breaking, the accepted wisdom is that teams must own the whole stack and operate their services themselves. But how do we ensure that operational standards are consistent across the organization? And how much stack is the whole stack? George Sudarkoff explains how to distribute operations in a consistent and efficient way.

Talk Title Distributed ops for distributed apps
Conference Velocity
Conf Tag Build resilient systems at scale
Location Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date November 7-9, 2016
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Microservices are like mini companies—they are operated by a single team independently of the rest of the organization. Teams often own the whole stack, making decisions about what programming languages and frameworks to use, what technologies to utilize, and how to operate their services. But what happens when the team moves on to the next project? Or if the team is not large enough to provide adequate on-call support? And won’t owning and being responsible for more of the things lead to less time and energy for product development? Standardization helps unify and simplify the operations, but it might come at a cost of not being able to deliver a new product feature sooner. It is important to know what to standardize and how. As with software distributed systems, organizations must decide on the right balance between consistency and availability of operations. George Sudarkoff explains how to distribute operations in a consistent and efficient way. Topics include:

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