November 19, 2019

182 words 1 min read

Developing a successful big data strategy

Developing a successful big data strategy

Many businesses have undertaken big data projects, but for every successful project, there are dozens that have failed or stagnated. Seb Darrington explores the reasons why such projects hit obstacles, typical challenges, and how to overcome them along your own big data journey.

Talk Title Developing a successful big data strategy
Speakers Seb Darrington (EMC)
Conference Strata + Hadoop World
Conf Tag Making Data Work
Location London, United Kingdom
Date June 1-3, 2016
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Many businesses have undertaken big data projects, but for every successful project, there are dozens that have failed or stagnated. Customers are realizing they need to understand both the business outcomes and technology in order to target their goals more accurately, including the challenges of Hadoop at scale, the maturity of their organization, and how it affects their strategy. Whether you’re an innovator, a late adopter, or somewhere in between, join Seb Darrington as he explores the reasons why such projects hit obstacles, typical challenges, and how to overcome them along your own big data journey. This session is sponsored by EMC.

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