November 13, 2019

204 words 1 min read

Containers at scale thanks to Kubernetes

Containers at scale thanks to Kubernetes

Security, easy scaling, and high availability are essential needs for real-world application infrastructure. Brandon Philips offers a how-to talk and tutorial demonstrating how to set up a production-ready cluster with full TLS, manage the cluster through scaling and upgrade, and build the cluster for high availability. Brandon also addresses upgrading Kubernetes while keeping availability.

Talk Title Containers at scale thanks to Kubernetes
Speakers Brandon Philips (CoreOS, Inc)
Conference O’Reilly Open Source Convention
Conf Tag
Location Austin, Texas
Date May 16-19, 2016
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

Security, easy scaling, and high availability are essential needs for real-world application infrastructure. Using examples drawn from Tectonic’s use of Kubernetes to host CoreOS SaaS products and recommendations given to Tectonic customers, Brandon Philips offers a how-to talk and tutorial demonstrating how to set up a production-ready cluster with full Transport Layer Security (TLS), manage the cluster through scaling and upgrade, and build the cluster for high availability. Brandon also addresses TLS management, managing your machine’s over time, and upgrading Kubernetes itself while keeping availability. After bootstrapping a securely configured Kubernetes cluster, you’ll learn how to manage the cluster through a variety of production situations like etcd member host failure, worker node failures, and cluster scaling.

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