November 15, 2019

242 words 2 mins read

Applied humaning for technical interviews

Applied humaning for technical interviews

So youre going to be an interviewer. Maybe you get some legal training, but soon enough youre out there experimentingwith someone elses career. Aside from the odd polite note from a candidate following up, you get no feedback, so how do you know what youre doing well (or not)? Cate Huston offers concrete strategies for making the part of the experience you control better for the interviewee.

Talk Title Applied humaning for technical interviews
Speakers Cate Huston (Ride)
Conference O’Reilly Open Source Convention
Conf Tag
Location Austin, Texas
Date May 16-19, 2016
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

An email in your inbox. A conversation with your boss. The company is hiring, and you’re to be part of it. You’re going to be an interviewer. Maybe you get some legal training, but soon enough you’re out there experimenting—with someone else’s career. Aside from the odd polite note from a candidate following up, you get no feedback, so how do you know what you’re doing well (or not)? Tech industry interviews are often particularly adversarial. The coding on the whiteboard. The ominous silence. But just because the experience was bad for you doesn’t mean you need to perpetuate it, even if you’re participating in a broken system you don’t believe in. Cate Huston offers concrete strategies for making the part of the experience you control better for the interviewee and discusses how hiring managers can help your team be better interviewers too.

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