November 2, 2019

296 words 2 mins read

An introduction to reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM

An introduction to reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM

Stephen Pember offers an overview of reactive applications and Reactive Streams. Steve explores the individual concepts and examines a sampling of libraries and frameworks available on the JVM for reactive applications. Demo applications and sample apps round out Steve's talk, giving attendees an idea of where to begin with the reactive ecosystem.

Talk Title An introduction to reactive applications, Reactive Streams, and options for the JVM
Speakers Stephen Pember (Toast)
Conference O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference
Conf Tag Engineering the Future of Software
Location New York, New York
Date April 11-13, 2016
URL Talk Page
Slides Talk Slides

The term “reactive” has lately become a buzzword, with a variety of definitions around the Web. When you hear reactive, what do you think of? Reactive Streams? The Reactive Manifesto? ReactJS? These terms may seem unrelated, but they share a common core concept. Reactive applications and reactive programming result in flexible, concise, performant code and are a superior alternative to the old standard thread-based imperative programming model. The reactive approach has gained popularity recently for one simple reason: we need alternative designs and architectures to meet today’s demands. However, it can be difficult to shift one’s mind to think in reactive terms due to how accustomed we’ve become to the imperative style. Stephen Pember explores the various definitions of reactive and reactive programming with the goal of providing techniques for building efficient, scalable applications. Steve dives into the key concepts of Reactive Streams and examines some sample implementations—including how ThirdChannel is currently using reactive libraries in production code. Steve looks at some of the open source options available in the JVM—including Reactor, RxJava, and Ratpack—giving attendees an idea of where to begin with the reactive ecosystem. If reactive is new to you, this should be an excellent introduction.

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